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Welcome to the Chandler Fruit Nursery Blog

Updated: Oct 3, 2023

I wanted to include a blog on the site to not just share what’s going on at the nursery, but also to share information and tips about fruit trees, gardening, sustainability, recipes and more. I plan to collaborate with local small businesses in order to share their skills, ideas and recommendations. I've started to put together experts that have agreed to share their knowledge with us. I’m hoping to add more contributors in the future.

Here are a brief introduction of those who have agreed to share their expertise.

  • Heather Bo, pastry chef instructor at L’Academie Baking and Cooking School will be sharing some of her recipes and gardening tips. (

  • Clint Culverson, owner of @Galaxy Gardens, expert in rain water collection, permaculture practice and design along with other eco-logical solutions. (

  • Dan Stevens, owner of @Living Tree Services, will provide advice on pruning and growing trees in the desert. (

Summer Update - Good News, Bad News

There is good news and bad news from over the summer. The good news is the trees look great! Thanks to flood irrigation the trees were able to tolerate the hottest summer on record. I put the mangos under a shade cloth and they, along with the citrus (full sun), flourished over the summer. The stone fruits were hit the hardest and some will need some time to come back, but the majority did well.

I’m working on improvements to the nursery. I’ve added weed cloth and mulch with hopes that it will more aesthetic and keep the Bermuda grass under control, control temperature and retain moisture. There are plans to expand the shade structure and attach another 40’x40’, but I ran into construction issues and hopefully it will be done in the near future.

The bad news is that my son is off to college and will no longer be working with me. He hasn’t gone far, he’s attending Grand Canyon University, but he got a job on campus and his studying comes first. I couldn’t have gotten this far without him and will definitely miss him. I can’t replace Alex, but hopefully I will be able to get someone soon to help out.

More bad news is that the tropical order that I planned to receive in September will not be arriving. It’s expensive to purchase and ship trees from Florida. Unfortunately since this is a new nursery I wasn’t able to procure this shipment. I’m hopeful that I will receive a tropical shipment in February or sooner. The good news is I still have over 70 amazing mangos available.

Lastly, the GREAT NEWS, all of the trees I currently have in stock have all been here for a over a year and have been through the winter and summer and are acclimated. With proper care these trees will do great! Come by and check out the trees.

If you have anything you would like to see on this page please enter in the comments below or send an email to

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